<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD JATS (Z39.96) Journal Publishing DTD v1.2d1 20170631//EN" "JATS-journalpublishing1.dtd"> <ArticleSet> <Article> <Journal> <PublisherName>revista-medicina-scolara</PublisherName> <JournalTitle>The Journal of School and University Medicine</JournalTitle> <PISSN/> <EISSN/> <Volume-Issue>Volume 5 Issue 3</Volume-Issue> <PartNumber/> <IssueTopic>Multidisciplinary</IssueTopic> <IssueLanguage>English</IssueLanguage> <Season>July 2018</Season> <SpecialIssue>N</SpecialIssue> <SupplementaryIssue>N</SupplementaryIssue> <IssueOA>Y</IssueOA> <PubDate> <Year>2018</Year> <Month>07</Month> <Day>30</Day> </PubDate> <ArticleType>Medical</ArticleType> <ArticleTitle>Physiological puberty and precocious puberty. Particular aspects in school and student medical cabinet</ArticleTitle> <SubTitle/> <ArticleLanguage>English</ArticleLanguage> <ArticleOA>Y</ArticleOA> <FirstPage>25</FirstPage> <LastPage>31</LastPage> <AuthorList> <Author> <FirstName>Dr. Pintea</FirstName> <LastName>Ancuta</LastName> <AuthorLanguage>English</AuthorLanguage> <Affiliation/> <CorrespondingAuthor>N</CorrespondingAuthor> <ORCID/> </Author> </AuthorList> <DOI/> <Abstract>Puberty is an important stage in children and adolescents development. It involves several somatic, hormonal and psycho-affective transformations. The physiological change must be carefully monitored in medical practice for an optimal management of this development. The starting age of puberty with secondary sexual characteristics development in Caucasians is 11-12 years for girls and 12-13 years for boys. These values are modified compared with previous decades. There are no certain scientific explanations of this fact. Precocious puberty involves the installation of secondary sexual characteristics before 8 years for girls and 9 years for boys, and needs a good collaboration between the medical doctors, parents and school psychologists. Depending upon the involvement of the hypothalamic pituitary axis, the precocious puberty can be gonadotropin-dependent puberty (always isosexual) named also the real precocious puberty or gonadotropin-independent (isosexual or heterosexual) named also the false precocious puberty. By recognizing and implementing the right treatment, long-term effects of precocious puberty can be reduced</Abstract> <AbstractLanguage>English</AbstractLanguage> <Keywords>puberty, precocious puberty, school medicine</Keywords> <URLs> <Abstract>https://www.revista-medicina-scolara.ro/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=9286&title=Physiological puberty and precocious puberty. Particular aspects in school and student medical cabinet</Abstract> </URLs> <References> <ReferencesarticleTitle>References</ReferencesarticleTitle> <ReferencesfirstPage>16</ReferencesfirstPage> <ReferenceslastPage>19</ReferenceslastPage> <References>1. Ciofu E, Ciofu C. Esentialul in pediatrie, editia a II-a. Ed. Amaltea 1998 2. Grumbach MM, Styne DM. Puberty, ontology, neuroendocrinology, physiology and disorders. in Williams Texbook of Endocrinology 10th.ed. Saunders ed;115-1186 3. Duncescu C, Marazan M, Chirita-Emandi A. Dezvoltarea sexuala precoce. Revista Romana de Pediatrie 2011;LX(3) 4. Belgorosky A, Baquedano MS, Guercio G, Rivarola MA. Adrenarche: postnatal adrenal zonation and hormonal and metabolic regulation. Horm Res. 2008;70(5):257-67 5. Kaplowitz P. Clinical characteristics of 104 children referred for evaluation of precocious puberty. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004;89: 3644-3650 6. Himes JH. 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